
Ajay Goyal’s campaign

ajay-goyal2A padyatra meeting residents of Hallu Majra for 2 Hrs. Like all people of colonies , residents have no faith in politicians and their promises. They ask Ajay Goyal” how do we know you are different?” Ajay Goyal , who always carries with him Election Commissions code of conduct answers as follows: “Election is not business. It is not war. Politics should be like clean sports. It is a the game of democracy in which we should play by rules. As you can see I have not done any type of activity which is against the rules of election commission. I do not pay “Pradhans.” I do not criticize any other candidate. I do not distribute money. I do not send liquor. I do not put flags and so on.I do everything by the rules of Election Commission which is the honest umpire of this game. Which means I am a good player and will play well after election as your MP.” People understand this new way of politics.

-Ajay Goyal then spent 2 Hrs after lunch walking to shops, showrooms and all floors of SCO in sector 35. He met with more than 300 people and spoke to them about his campaign. Almost all people recognized him and were happy to talk at length with a candidate. More than one person complimented him on fact that he does not campaign with large groups noisily and meets people one on one.

– Sports people of Chandigarh have been buoyed by Ajay Goyal manifesto to give minimum 25% of his MPs fund to sports facilities in community centres in Chandigarh. Today the Wrestlers of Chandigarh organized a campaign office voluntarily for him in Sector 56 colony. a large number of residents met with Ajay Goyal and ask for his view on education for their children. Ajay Goyal told them of his high education background and assured them that education and sports will be among his top priorities for Chandigarh as an MP.

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