Bharatiya Janata PartyLok Sabha Election

Corruption real reason behind price rise: Jain

Satya Pal JainCongress trying to protect corrupt and neglect aam admi

  • Silence of the Congress party on prices baffling
  • Dalit Chetna rally flagged off

Putting the Congress party on the mat for the price rise Mr Satya Pal Jain today said prices go up every time congress party comes to power. He questioned the party’s silence on the issue of prices and said instead of giving lame excuses like prices being a world phenomenon the party must come out clean on this issue and tell the voter as to what is real cause for the price rise and who is really responsible for problems being faced by the common man on account of galloping prices.

During his padyatra of sector 32 this morning he told the citizens that silence of the Congress party on this issue means that the party which sought and got votes in the name of the common man has no concern for him. He said corruption is the real reason behind the price rise and since Congress party is not interested in welfare of the common man that party is it is obviously trying to protect the corrupt and neglect the aam admi in whose name it sought and got votes. Mr Jain said that during congress party rule atta is selling at Rs 16 per Kg, sugar at Rs 30 per Kg, dals 60 to 70 per Kg and kerosene Rs 30 per bottle but congress is un-concerned. He wondered how dare congress go to the common citizen asking for his votes when it has not fulfilled promised it made earlier.

Mr Jain expressed surprise at the explanation offered by local congress MP that price rise was due to global factors he said and questioned the logic saying when the inflation is on all time low the prices continue to rise forcing people to tighten their belts. He reiterated the party promise that all BPL families to get 35 kg of rice or wheat every month at Rs 2 per kg. This will be available against Food Coupons redeemable both at PDS and private outlets. Mr Jain assured the colony residents that on coming to power in the centre BJP will assure that kerosene quota of 35 litres per family per month and will make sure that nobody has to walk for more than one kilometre for getting kerosene. He said people have realized that congress party is not interested in solving their problems and will boot out those who have not given good governance to the citizen.

Addressing the Dalit Chetna rally before flagging off the dalit Chetna march Mr Jain promised that on coming to power in the centre BJP will address the price rise issue at the earliest. The Dalit Chetna March will pass through nearly all sectors of the City beautiful on Saturday and Sunday. Mr Ram Nath Kovind National Convenor of Dalit Chetna Rath Yatra also addressed the meeting. Mr Suraj Bhan Kataria State Coordinator Dalit Chetna Rath Yatra also spoke. Mr Jain went to Sector 27 market for padyatra during the afternoon. Those who accompanied him during the padyatras and meetings included – M/s Sanjay Tandon, Davesh Moudgil, Baldev Goyal, Pritam Singh, Kuldeep Mehra, Hukam Chand Khundia and Mr Kailash Jain among many others.

Mr Jain today addressed a large number of meetings in police line quarters, Sector 40, Colony number 4 and inaugurated party election office in sector 24. He participated in the second national conference and discussion on poverty in the CII premises

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