Bharatiya Janata Party

Satya Pal Jain seeks Bapu Asa Ram’s blessings


BJP candidate for Chandigarh Lok Sabha constituency Mr Satya Pal Jain today visited Sant Shri Asa Ram Bapu this morning to seek his blessings in his ashram. Bapu who arrived in Chandigarh last evening gave his blessings to Mr Jain at the end of his discourse in the Saturday morning assembly at his ashram. Mr Jain reached the ashram in the morning after his padyatra of Sector 21 and remained there for over one hour. Mr Jain makes it a point to visit the ashram when Bapu is in Chandigarh .

Mr Jain addressed a number of meetings and did door to door campaigning in the morning before this padyatra of markets of Sector 22 and Sector 41 in the afternoon.

Late last evening Mr Shyam Bihari Mishra and several senior leaders of the trading community addressed a massive convention organised by the Traders’ cell of BJP in sector 44B. Chandigarh state BJP president Mrs Kamla Sharma and Mr Satya Pal Jain addressed the meeting and assured the trading fraternity that BJP will ensure that their problems are addressed in consultation with representatives of the fraternity. Mr Jain was weighed against coins on this occasion.

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